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What's Behind Myanmar's SURPRISE DEMOCRACY Win?

mytvmyanmar #myanmar #myanmarnews What's Behind Myanmar's SURPRISE DEMOCRACY Win? Join me as we delv ...View More

What's Behind Myanmar's SURPRISE DEMOCRACY Win?

mytvmyanmar #myanmar #myanmarnews What's Behind Myanmar's SURPRISE DEMOCRACY Win? Join me as we delv ...View More

What's Behind Myanmar's SURPRISE DEMOCRACY Win?

mytvmyanmar #myanmar #myanmarnews What's Behind Myanmar's SURPRISE DEMOCRACY Win? Join me as we delv ...View More

What If We Stopped Procreating for 50 Years?

Every year, around 140 million babies are born worldwide. And if we continue at this pace, 50 years  ...View More

What If You Didn't Blink for a Week?

Welcome to the longest staring contest of your life. You're about to go seven days without blinking. ...View More

What If We Put Solar Panels Around the Sun?

Invest in blue-chip art for the very first time by signing up for Masterworks: https://www.masterwor ...View More

What If Russia Crashed the International Space Station?

It's not outside the realm of possibility. Russia has already tested an anti-satellite missile on on ...View More

What If the James Webb Telescope Found Alien Life?

The infrared James Webb telescope is 100 times more powerful than the Hubble telescope. It has 18 se ...View More

What If You Squat for 24 Hours Straight?

Get your greens today! Go to to get started on your first purchase ...View More

What If the U.S. Started World War III?

Play Conflict of Nations for FREE on PC, iOS or Android: Receiv ...View More

What If We Moved to Ceres?

Settling on the Moon or Mars may be all the buzz. But how about we all move to an icy dwarf planet i ...View More

What If You Drilled a Hole at the Bottom of the Mariana Trench?

This is the Mariana Trench, the deepest place on Earth. It stretches 11km (7 mi) down below sea leve ...View More

What If You Could Freeze a Hurricane?

Has the weather ever ruined your plans? What if I told you I had an idea to stop hurricanes from wre ...View More

What If We Drilled a Hole Through Mars?

Subscribe to Big Bucks: If you were to drill straight down into Mar ...View More

What If Earth Froze Overnight?

Get 10% off Ritual for the first 3 months: . Get key nutrients–withou ...View More

What If All the Passengers on a Plane Jumped at Once?

Do you get a little nervous before a flight? If you do, you're not alone. Between 33% and 40% of peo ...View More

What If Humans Didn't Have Nails?

Fingernails are one of the reasons why primates are different from other mammals. They're like the f ...View More

What If Walls Could Protect Coastal Cities Against Rising Sea Levels?

The climate crisis is one of the biggest issues facing humanity. Ice sheets are melting due to Earth ...View More

What If We Raised Dinosaurs for Food?

With the world population growing every year, we need to find ways to produce more food. So, if we c ...View More

What If Humans Had No Hair?

We have been nominated for a Shorty Award in 2 categories! Vote for your favorite show here: ...

What If You Wore 100 Layers of Makeup?

Do you know what you're putting on your skin? Makeup can highlight your best features, smooth out im ...View More

29 Myths Even Your Parents Thought Were True

Grab some Bright Side MERCH (ships worldwide!): You heard it your WHOLE life f ...View More

What If There Were Only 1,000 People Left on Earth?

With so many amazing things happening in the world today, what could possibly go wrong? Well...A gia ...View More

What If You Rode a Balloon to Space?

Let NetSuite show you how they'll benefit your business with a FREE Product Tour at ...View More

What If You Built a Pipe to the Bottom of the Mariana Trench?

Get a digital version of the What If 100 book right away and pre-order a hardcover: ...View More

What if 'Among Us' Happened in Real Life?

Get more insightful information about the game with Liana Ruppert: ...View More

What If Columbus Never Discovered America?

Forget everything you know about the United States of America. It is not united anymore, but divided ...View More

What If the Arctic Turned Into a Megaslump?

The sound of trickling water might seem harmless, even peaceful. But in the polar regions, this soun ...View More

This Huge Volcano Is Due to Erupt - What If It Happened Today

What would happen if Vesuvius Volcano erupted today? It's erupted many times in the past. In fact, t ...View More

What If We Covered Our Roads with Solar Panels?

We sure love our roads. We love them so much that we seem determined to pave the entire world. But m ...View More

What If You Fell Into a Pool of Jellyfish?

Jellyfish are some of the most dangerous creatures in the ocean. Just touching the wrong one can lea ...View More

What If We Killed All Spiders?

They're in your yard, on your walls, in your attic, and there's probably one near you right now. The ...View More

What If You Fell Into a Pool of Stingrays?

What's the first thing you should do if you ever fall into a pool full of stingrays? They may look s ...View More

What If You Could Walk Through Walls?

The owners of this store couldn't believe their eyes when they checked their security footage in the ...View More

What If It Takes Two Years for a COVID-19 Vaccine?

COVID-19 has affected the entire world. It's infected millions, and killed hundreds of thousands. No ...View More

What If We Could Hear the Sun?

Nature can be really quiet or really loud. It can even be musical! We hear sound almost everywhere o ...View More

What If All Supermarkets Closed?

There are roughly 40000 retailers in the U.S. that would be classified as grocery stores. They range ...View More

What If We Built Vertical Farms?

As our population grows, we're going to need a lot more farms to feed the planet. Yet, in a lot of p ...View More

What If You Dropped a Steak From Orbit?

Ever had a freshly cooked steak, delivered straight from the International Space Station? It's not g ...View More

What If We Burn All the Oil?

This video was made in collaboration and with the support of Greenpeace. Learn more about how you ca ...View More

What If the Earth’s Crust Suddenly Opened Up?

Deep beneath your feet is a subterranean melting pot. A fiery inferno ready to boil over at any mome ...View More

What If We Set Aside Half the Planet for Wildlife?

About 65 million years ago, a mass extinction event occurred, wiping out more than 75% of all specie ...View More

What If a Flash Wiped Out Everyone's Memories?

Imagine, it comes out of nowhere. A blinding flash, spanning the entire globe. It lasts only a few s ...View More

What If We Generated Electricity With Our Bodies?

Thanks CuriosityStream for sponsoring this episode! Go to for unlimite ...View More

What If We Turned Plastic Into Fuel?

Plastic production is predicted to keep skyrocketing in the next ten years, and our planet is going  ...View More

What If We Created No Waste?

Thanks CuriosityStream for sponsoring this episode! Go to for u ...View More

What If You Never Left Your Bed?

The average person spends roughly one-third of their life in bed. The below average person says, "Th ...View More

What If You Jumped Into a Pool Filled With Human Saliva?

Why do we find other people's saliva so gross? We each produce about two bathtubs of the stuff every ...View More

What If We Dug Tunnels Between Continents?

Thanks NordVPN for sponsoring this episode! Start protecting yourself on the web at http://www.NordV ...View More

What If You Stopped Going Outside for a Year?

What would happen if you stopped going outside? Human beings aren't biologically designed to be coop ...View More

ShweTube, Collection of Myanmar Youtube Videos